Friday, 27 March 2009

Red Meat

People who eat more red or processed meat have a higher risk of death from all causes including cancer, while a higher consumption of white meat reduces such risks, a decade-long US study released Monday found.
The joint study begun in 1995 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and seniors group AARP followed more than half a million men and women between age 50 and 71, who filled out a food frequency questionnaire estimating their intake of red and processed meats as well as white meats such as pork, chicken and turkey.
Over the study period, 47,976 men and 23,276 women died. The one fifth of men and women who ate the most red meat -- a median of 62.5 grams per 1,000 calories per day -- had a higher mortality rate than the one fifth who consumed the least -- 9.8 grams per thousand calories, according to the report.A similar rate held true for consumers of processed meat.
Comparatively, the top fifth of white meat consumers had a slightly lower risk for death than those who ate the least white meat."For overall mortality, 11 percent of deaths in men and 16 percent of deaths in women could be prevented if people decreased their red meat consumption to the level of intake in the first quintile," wrote the authors led by Rashmi Sinha of NIH's National Cancer Institute."
The impact on cardiovascular disease mortality was an 11 percent decrease in men and a 21 percent decrease in women if the red meat consumption was decreased to the amount consumed by individuals in the first quintile."Cancer-causing compounds are know to form during high-temperature cooking of meat, the report stated, and meat is a major source of saturated fat, which has been linked to certain cancers.Lower meat consumption has been linked to reductions in risk factors for heart disease, including lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure."
These results complement the recommendations by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund to reduce red and processed meat intake to decrease cancer incidence," the authors wrote.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Singapore Poly Results Were Out Yesterday !!

Didn't do well and GPA is going down ! As expected, Maths 1B i got a D+. Two Reasons. Firstly, its myself to blame for having last minute study, didn't really listen and understand what the lecturer is saying. Second reason, i got a crappy lecturer that assume maths is easy for everyone.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Business Concept - My Business, My Views !

Currently doing some crazy things exactly the same concept as the above scenario. Nothing
much, but I do not agree with things like leaders following 100% from people. Thats simply not
leaders, but rather some workers following instructions.

I believe being a sucessful leader, is to have its own ideas, LISTEN but NOT FOLLOW people's
ideas. With the previous statement, I'm talking about learning from the best practices of

Is the above model familiar? I'm not challenging against someone's system. However, I do agree
to an extend, but if doing business is being condemn by 1% of the population, there is no point.
What will the people in the HOT category thinks? Other than COLD, WARM & HOT, what do you think about the forth one? Explode? Irreversible? FYI, Irreversible means : Incapable of being reversed or turned about or back. I do not want that to happen. Friends I made, my relatives, I do not want to lose friends and being despised by relatives.. There is just too many flaws in the current system. Its simply not right for me.
P.S. I will get pissed off by people who think that they could brainwash me by "SPAMING". I won't make u feel bad, I will simply ignore it, because I treated you as a friend and respect that friendship. Don't spolit it. I already condemn a friend that of four years friendship with me.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

DICT 1B03 Class BBQ

As planned before our holiday, our class BBQ will be held at:
Venue: East Coast Park, Area D, BBQ Pit 35
Date: 16 April 2009 (Thursday)
Fees: ?? (Still in the process of planning)
For anyone who wants to stay overnight, we have night activities as well.

Friday, 6 March 2009

Gang Robbers in JB strikes again (as usual)

Dear Friends,

Its just not safe to go in JB even just a meter away from the customs. My friends always ask me to go in, but i decline them. Its not that I'm a coward, but its really too dangerous to go in just to have a good meal or something. Totally not worth it. I rather spend more within the island to have an enjoyable and worry-free life. For my friends who like to go there, please be careful and always stay alert and know how to handle it in a safe way when encountered.

Below is an article I read and extracted from HardwareZone for sharing:
今天傍晚6点这样~我和3个朋友正要从2楼的电扶梯下去走向天桥那里~突然有人从后面叫我们~我们就被拦住了~就恐吓我们~说我们瞪他~他后面有数个同伙~我们没办法跑~他就带我们去bus stop那里的mama挡“喝茶“他叫我们怎么解决事~1红包2吊水3单挑我们还小都怕~不敢出声他就说如果包红包一个人360块~没钱拿电话抵押~我们没办法~他就讲把电话关机~拿出sim卡~把电话给他晚上再来抵押~我们知道是azako可是也不敢反抗怕他身上有刀~只好乖乖照做~过后拿了电话~叫我们其中一个跟他去后面的建筑物~他还说记得来拿回电话==他跟他的同伙就跑了~他的特征:左手腕那边有纹一个蛮大的类似鬼火图案~右手有纹一个壁虎~有一个手指纹蜘蛛网~身高175这样~肤色白~牙齿烂~样子根本就吸白粉的~*他其中一个同伙斗鸡眼的~肤色棕褐色~请大家留意。。。如果也有碰过类似情况请说说看~最好可以找到那人捉起来

Source Taken:

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Who wants? Contact me and I will arrange

This is a project basis job and it will last for 6 days. There will be 2 phase of the project, this is phase 1 details

14th March 9am – 9pm (Working hours might vary depending on the completion of the job) 18 Needed

15th March 9am – 6pm (Depending on the completion of job on Sat) 20 Needed

16th March 8am – 6pm 24 Needed

17th March 8.30am - 6pm 10 Needed

18th March 9am – 6pm 8 Needed

Job Details
Plugging and unplugging PCs from the current location into boxes
Setting up PCs, joining domains and printers
Basic troubleshooting of Windows
Setting Up Printers

Payout is $6/hr and OT will be $9/hr after 6pm.
Location: Havelock Road, Ministry of Manpower.

Priorities goes to candidates who are able to work at least Sat, Sun(if needed) Mon & Tues & Wed.

CUT OFF DATE WILL BE ON THE 5TH MARCH 12.00pm.Drop me an email at if you are interested in the position with your name, NRIC No, Photo and you contact number.