Sunday, 17 July 2011

Google releases Android 3.2 Honeycomb SDK

Cool ! Google just released another update and this update actually eliminates the restriction of this OS to higher-end tablets. Now the 7-inch tablet can enjoy this great OS just for TABLETS !!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Life is hard.. Still choosing a good plan.

I feel that staying in the IT line in Singapore is tough. There are many challenges faced with the foreigners coming into our homeland taking the same jobs as us. After reading through the modules offered in a IT degree, i feel that many of which is not to my interest. There are way too many things that I wouldn't want to specialize or work in my future jobs. Another way is to get as much certified certification in my field and attained a valuable skill. But i simply don't understand why so many people said, without a degree will not succeed. I feel that the society is making degree as one of the compulsory education in ones' life. I really feel tired of doing things that is forced by the society.