Wednesday, 26 October 2011

3 Easy Exercises To Correct Bad Posture

Your body isn’t meant to be seated eight hours a day. But you can offset some of the damage by performing this exercise circuit 3 times a day to beat bad posture. Workout gear is optional.
Standing Hip-Extension Stretch 
Why It's Good Loosens the hip flexors and strengthens the glutes.
How To Do It Stand and place your left foot on a chair with your knee bent 90 degrees. Tighten your right buttock and reach overhead as high as you can with your right  arm. Side-bend slightly to the left. Hold 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
Scapular Wall Slide
Why It's Good Prevents rounded shoulders.
How To Do It Stand with your back and head against a wall. Place your arms against the wall so they form a W. Slide your arms upwards into a Y. Hold for a count of 3, and then lower them. Do this 12 times.
Chair Mobilisation
Why It's Good Prevents the hunchback look.
How To Do It Sit so the back of your chair is just below shoulder blade level. Place your hands behind your head and bring your elbows towards each other. Arch back and push your elbows upwards as you exhale. Hold for a count of 3. Do this 12 times.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Facebook Use By Country: See Who Spends The Most Time Social Networking (STUDY)

An international study into the use of social networks by Experian®, the global information services company, reveals just how much time people living in different countries spend on Facebook. Singaporeans emerge from the study as those who spend the longest on the social network site, with an average of 38 minutes and 46 seconds per session, while people living in Brazil spend less than half that with an average of 18 minutes and 19 seconds per Facebook session.
According to the analysis by Experian Hitwise, the average session time on Facebook in August 2011 across the eight countries varied significantly as highlighted in table 1 below:

Average time spent on Facebook in August 2011 per session

38 mins 46 sec

New Zealand
30 mins 31 sec

26 mins 27 sec

25 mins 33 sec

20 mins 46 sec

21 mins 53 sec

20 mins 21 sec

18 mins 19 sec

Understanding average time spent on Facebook, the world’s most widely used social network, illustrates the importance of brands needing to be on social networks. By knowing that an average social network user in Singapore, will for example, spend an average of 38 minutes on Facebook means that a brand can increase the likelihood of capturing an individual's attention by running digital marketing campaigns through Facebook. Content and advertising which is compelling will ultimately lead to greater engagement in social networks and consequently greater sales, whether on the brand's own website or indeed within Facebook.

Ankur Shah, CEO and co-founder, Techlightenment, an Experian company, commented: “The power of social networks like Facebook is that in some respects they don’t have any boundaries and make the world a much smaller place. Knowing the market share social networks have in each country and the level of usage is key to social networking success. However, our research shows that the way individuals use social media can and does change according to cultural and personal backgrounds – therefore ‘one size definitely doesn’t fit all’ when it comes to digital. For any international brands to be successful in their digital campaigns, they must understand the local, digital and personal nuances that exist.”

Extracted from: